About the Journal
Revista de História da Arte is an open access art history journal published online by the Institute of Art History (NOVA FCSH), and indexed in ERIH PLUS. It publishes multi- and cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed articles that critically analyse and address historical and current conditions of art practice and theory in the global field, with a particular focus on Portuguese narratives and discourses, and their global resonances and articulations. Since its inception in 2005, Revista de História da Arte has established itself as the leading international journal advancing the field of art historiography, and has created a significant archive of critical and theoretical knowledge which expands conceptions of art history, integrating fields of visual, museum and heritage studies and curatorial and artistic practices, among other disciplines within the social sciences. The journal offers a forum for urgent and emergent dialogues addressing, refining and broadening grammars of art history and theory. It is committed to diverse, creative and experimental approaches that engage with and catalyse post-colonial ecologies of the visual arts.
Publisher: Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
ISSN: 2182-3294